Kim Skelmose
Kim is 58 years old and has a background as an addiction therapist and trained in Gestalt psychotherapy, certifying in 2003. He has worked with people with addiction and complex trauma and he is in private practice as a Gestalt therapist, TRE practitioner and supervisor.
Kim works with veterans with complex PTSD and with people who have been sexually abused. He offers supervision to people working in social psychiatric services. Throughout many years he has worked with children in foster care and also supervised foster parents.
He took the Grof Transpersonal training with Stan Grof and Tav Sparks and was certified in 2004. He is trained in TRE (trauma release exercise) and has used this in his practice for more than 10 years.
In his private practice he often works with clients who have stress and anxiety issues.
Kim co-facilitates holotropic breathwork workshops in Denmark and in Norway. He also has a long standing practice in martial arts and in particular has trained in Taekwondo.
He has spent his free time since early childhood observing birds and now is the leader in the Eagle Project in Denmark.
He lives in Gl. Rye with his wife and sons close to a beautiful forest.