Katie Sharrock
Katie is a TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) provider and former Steiner kindergarten pedagogue with 16 years teaching experience.
She studied Tibetan Buddhism in London and now lives at Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland together with her husband Ole Ry.
She oversees the administration of GLT Nordic.
Katie studied Tibetan Buddhism in London and received teachings from many eminent masters, particularly in the Dzogchen tradition.
She taught in a Steiner kindergarten for sixteen years, and has a diploma in Spiritual Coaching and Care Giving from the Spiritual Companions Trust.
She has a special interest in death and dying, offering regular Death Café’s in the local area and singing with the Moray Threshold Singers.
Before moving to Findhorn Ecovillage on Scotland’s east coast, Katie spent over two years living in a small intentional community on the island of Erraid off the west coast of Scotland, living simply and sustainably in deep connection with the land and other community members.
Katie has a grown-up daughter and is currently studying for a Masters in Grof Studies at the Ubiquity University.