Grof® Breathwork Workshop with Ole Ry

This retreat will be facilitated in Danish.

Grof® Breathwork is a unique, powerful, experiential method of self-exploration and psychotherapy developed by Stanislav Grof and his late wife Christina, based on perennial wisdom traditions and the results of modern consciousness research.

A combination of simple means: accelerated breathing, evocative music, and energy-releasing bodywork induces deep, holotropic states of consciousness, and the activation of our inner healing capacity, physically, psychologically and spiritually. Holotropic literally means moving towards wholeness.

The sessions are usually conducted in groups; participants work in pairs and alternate in the roles of “breathers” and “sitters.” The process is supervised by trained facilitators, who assist participants whenever special intervention is necessary.

Sat 16th & Sun 17th November 2024

Ole Ry, speciallæge i psykiatri, psykoterapeut MPF og uddannelsesleder ved Grof Legacy Training Nordic (GLT Nordic)

Assistant Facilitators:
Saturday: Lars Mortensen and Mette Gajhede
Sunday: Aslaug Færch Johnsen and Claus Gajhede

Himmelbjerggården, Himmelbjergvej 11, 8680 Ry, Denmark

Saturday or Sunday 1.500 DK
Saturday and Sunday (accommodation included) 2.800 DK

For more information or to book your place, please contact:

Mette Gajhede:
Phone:+45 6199 7139

Aslaug Færch Johnsen:

Phone: +45 4044 5898